Friday, September 27, 2013


I'm a little late in my posting, but I did go weigh-in on Monday and I was up 1.6lbs.  I haven't really been tracking and life has just seemed way too busy to focus on food.  I did have a good conversation with my WW leader so I'm trying to at least track this week.  I've been successful at tracking everyday - but the food definitely hasn't been the best of choices.  For example, my lunch yesterday was a mini cupcake from Sweet and some froyo!  And then to top it off - I had Chick-fil-a for dinner - fries and all! 

What is wrong with me?  I want to continue losing, but I'm just not making the best choices.  I need to start focusing on me and what's best for me  Sounds so selfish - and I don't know how to be selfish!  I'm hoping that after all the activities for this weekend that things start to calm down.   And Zumba starts back on Monday - so I'll be getting my cardio back!

Wish me luck peeps - and if you have any ideas for getting that motivation back - any suggestions are welcome!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Still on my high from last night...  so I made a comparison picture!  Loving the change!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Whoop, Whoop!!

You guys!!!! I went to WW tonight and not only did I lose 2lbs this week, but I hit my first 30 lbs gone!!!!   I can't tell you how excited I am right now.  I've done WW multiple times in the past, and this is the first time I've lost a whole 30lbs... I've come close in the past but never actually hit it! Whoop Whoop!!

And - for hitting my 10% (a few weeks ago) and my first 25lbs I got this:

WW is also doing a Lose for Good challenge and someone wins a little prize every week.  Well, this week, a lifetime member won this magnetic before and after frame, that also had inspirational words.  After the class she came up to me and asked me if I wanted it for doing so good thus far - and since she's already at goal and lifetime she didn't really need it.  She was soooo sweet.  I need to print out some before and current pictures, but I did put up some of the inspirational words...

 So excited for the next steps and goals... but that's for another post! :)

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Calling it like I see it...

As I was gently reminded this weekend - I've been neglecting these parts recently.  First off - sorry for the silence the last few weeks... LOTS of stuff happened, to include being sick for a few days!  Work has been beyond hectic and I don't really feel like I'm keeping my head above water anymore.  I can't wait for Sept. 16th...  that's the day we turn in our current proposal that I'm working on, so hopefully after things will be more manageable! 

My weight loss has been kinda all over recently.  I missed a weigh in because of being sick, and then last week when I weighed in I gained 1.4lbs.  I wasn't happy to say the least, but I wasn't tooooo disappointed either because of the circumstances.  Before the weigh in I hadn't been working out because of being sick, and to be honest, I wasn't tracking.  I kinda lost focus of me and my health due to personal situations, but I can't give up.  And - this was only the second time since April that I've gained, so I can't beat myself up too badly!

But here I am....  keeping myself accountable.  I have to keep at it - and I've realize that if I'm not posting here, I'm not keeping myself accountable in tracking and eating either, so it's imperative that I keep writing here.  I can't let life take over to the point where I stop taking care of myself.  I have to take care of me....  I like me! :)