Wednesday, June 12, 2013

My Inspiration Story

I've been talking to my Zumba instructor about my milestones and other silly fitness related things and she has asked me to write my story for her newsletter and grand opening.  She wants to do a spotlight on her students, to show off the awesomeness of Zumba and to promote the studio.  Here's my story:

I've been overweight my whole life and tried every diet you could possibly imagine.  I've struggled with self confidence and being able to accept and love myself for longer than I want to admit.  Something finally clicked on April 8th and I decided to make the change for me.  I went back to Weight Watchers and that week they were starting a challenge to get members motivated and active.  I vowed that day that I would start going to Zumba at Body & Motion twice a week.  It was hard to start back up and there were many times where I swear I wouldn't have made it through the class, but with the support and encouragement of the Body & Motion family I'm loving every minute of every class.  I've even found myself doing the routines I can remember while away on travel in my hotel room!  In 8 weeks, not only have I lost 12.6lbs, my clothes fit so much better, and I am doing Zumba at least 3 - 4 times per week and TurboKick one night a week. I have more energy and am just happier all around!  I love my Zumba and TurboKick family - not only do they keep you accountable and make sure you are in class, but they encourage you every step of the way!  I'm so excited to be part of the Body & Motion family!

When it officially comes out, I'll post the link! :)

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